Peel-to-Reveal Card is a type of double-layered card where each card contains a different prize hidden inside. To reveal the prize, the first layer of the card must be peeled off.

Retailers can design the prizes and quantities for each set of Peel-to-Reveal Card, allowing them to manage budgets while utilizing features like "Guaranteed Wins after N Draws" to encourage consumers to draw more cards.

The perforated line makes it easy to peel off the card manually, offering a more user-friendly experience compared to scratch-off ink.

Do "一番賞Ichiban Kuji" Shops Know Where the Prizes Are?
Some online experiments have found that the prize positions in the same batch of cards are identical. Once a retailer finishes opening one set of cards, they can identify the positions of the prizes. This is understandable, as creating completely randomized prize positions for each set would require using a digital printing process, which is unachievable with conventional offset printing methods. However, digital printing for such large-scale products comes with a significant cost.
Draw Card Posters
An entire set of Draw Cards can be printed on a single large sheet, making it easy to display the remaining prize statuses at a glance. However, if prize positions are required to be randomly distributed, the production process becomes more challenging and costly.
Alternatively, each draw card can be printed as an individual small card, similar to scratch-off lottery tickets, and paired with a prize poster. This method ensures that all prizes are accounted for. The more prizes are revealed, the higher the chance of drawing rare prizes like the "A Prize," which can attract more customers to participate in the draw.

Separately printed draw cards also carry a risk of cheating, as individual cards can be "hidden" by the retailer. However, if an entire set is purchased as a bundle, such tactics can be easily discovered. In the end, it's a game of cat and mouse, where methods to cheat and counteract are constantly evolving. This dynamic is part of what makes anti-counterfeit printing fascinating!